Self Care

What Helped Me

I know what it’s like to feel sad, anxious or just plain blah. 🙁

Click below for ideas on what to feel better fast and to explore some of the resources that helped me along the way.

Feel Better Now

If just the thought of taking that next step seems too hard, why not take a tiny one? Click here for ways to feel better now.

Resources from Lori

Book: Feeling Good: The New Mood

This book was prescribed to me when I was diagnosed with depression. The author has an 80% recovery rate for even his most severe patients when using this approach in combination with therapy and medication. For those of you afraid…

Book: Time Cure

This book was a game-changer for me. Essentially, the author has discovered that recovery from trauma is directly related to the story you tell yourself about yourself. When you think about your past, are you a victim or someone who…

Book: The Artist’s Way

Are you a creative person looking for support or inspiration? The Artist’s Way is an incredible resource. It’s chock full of amazing tools, such as “anger is your friend, it’s not a very nice friend, but it’s a very loyal…

Book: Dreams Into Action

This book is the “tough love” version of the Artist’s Way.  Milton Katselas was a famous American director mentored by the likes of Elia Kazan. In this book, he talks about how no one cares about your dreams unless you’re doing…

Book: The Game of Life

The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn – a healer from the 1930s and 40’s! She talks a lot about the power of affirmations. One lesson I particularly enjoy is the idea of “signs…

Book: Hyberbole and a Half

Welcome to the funniest book on depression EVER. I have given this book as a gift more times than I can count.   Originally a blog by Allie Brosh (named one of Ad Age’s most influential creative thinkers in 2013), this book…

Mindvalley Meditation

Would you like a bit of guidance on meditation? ME TOO. I am NOT good at meditating where you just breathe and don’t think. I do better when someone is leading the way (AKA talking me through the meditation). This…

Brene Brown’s Ted Talk: The Power of Vulnerability

Brene Brown is THE authority on courage and vulnerability. Her whip-smart unassailable facts are combined with homespun honest anecdotes that illuminated key ideas and and continue to inspire me.   Check out her website for more great things.

Book: Harold and the Purple Crayon

If you want a book about how we all create our own lives that will make you smile from ear to ear, look no further than this children’s classic.

White Light Protection Meditation

Here’s a quick meditation that I do every day. It’s all about bringing in white light. I find this very soothing because it lets me focus on bringing in good things and letting go of worry.

Sound Healing

Did you know that listening to sounds at certain vibrations can help calm and heal your body? It’s true!  If nothing else, it will make you feel calmer and happier. I listen to this one each day.

Yoga with Adriene

Does yoga feel more like a chore than fun? Me too. There is help! May I suggest Yoga with Adrienne? There are tons of easy videos, and Adrienne is super chill. She also has an adorable dog, Benji, who joins…

Book: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

I use this book daily for affirmations about prosperity. There are dozens of ideas (in all caps type) throughout the book. Each day, I repeat three of these out loud, 15 times each. I have the pages with the affirmations…

Book: Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

If you want help finding your Near Star (what lights you up for no reason?), this is the book for you. Following your intuition can be hard and scary, this book gives tons of examples of how to do this…

Book: Jeannie Gaffigan – When Life Gives You Pears

You are the mother of 5, wife and creative partner to Jim Gaffigan, AND you have a brain tumor the size of a pear. As a bonus, when the pear-shaped tumor is removed, you can’t talk or eat for several…

Book: Maya Angelou – I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

If you haven’t had the chance, this book is a must-read. Angelou literally lost her voice, her ability to speak, when as a young girl she refused to talk about a terrible event. She went on to become one of…

Book: Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar’s You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey

Have you ever been mistreated at work? Of course! Whether you are a stay-at-home mom with a mob of demanding children, or a corporate executive, you can probably relate. In this book, the hilarious Amber Ruffin (writer for Late Night With…

Resources from Others

showing hands, a woman using a smartphone in a case
Crisis Text Line
Iris Healing
website cover page for suicide hotline
Lifeline Hotline
Home Page for Mental Illness Poscast
Podcast: Mental Illness Happy Hour
home page for website The Recovery Village
The Recovery Village

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